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Department of Mathematics
University of Mississippi

Grad Student Wins Student Diversity Innovator Award

Posted on: May 29th, 2024 by rhunt

Gauree Wathodkar

Department graduate student Gauree Wathodkar has won the “Student Diversity Innovator Award” by the Division of Diversity and Community Engagement, the Gertrude C. Ford Ole Miss Student Union and the Center for Inclusion and Cross Cultural Engagement

This award is given to one student for their commitment to the advancement of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) at the University of Mississippi and in their respective communities.

“In a university where a student chapter for the Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM) was lacking, Gauree stepped forward with unwavering determination. She took the initiative to bridge the gap, connecting the parent organization AWM with our department to initiate the establishment of this much-needed chapter. Through Gauree’s tireless efforts, the student chapter of the Association for Women in Mathematics has not only become a vital link between our university and the global AWM network but has also sparked a meaningful dialogue that continues to resonate within our department. Additionally, Gauree made dedicated efforts to engage faculty members in various events, enhancing the collaborative atmosphere.

As the founder of the Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM) student chapter, Gauree has demonstrated exemplary leadership and dedication to creating a supportive community for women in mathematics. Through her initiative, The AWM chapter stands as a symbol of inclusivity in our department, providing a platform for women and girls to thrive in their mathematical pursuits. Gauree embodies the principle of leaving no one behind, a value that shines through in her actions. Her inclusive approach was evident when she warmly welcomed two male members into the chapter, who wholeheartedly embraced the cause and served as officers. This inclusive stance not only encouraged the participation of other male students and faculty members but also deepened their understanding of the challenges women in the mathematics community face. Recognizing the significance of this opportunity and the attention it received, Gauree, alongside her fellow officers and in partnership with the Division of Diversity and Community Engagement, hosted a workshop on Inclusive Excellence and Bystander Intervention. This initiative equipped members of our department with essential tools to effectively support women in mathematics, nurturing a culture of allyship and advocacy.

Furthermore, Gauree’s commitment to promoting diversity and inclusion extends beyond the confines of the university, as evidenced by her organization of the Sonia Kovalevsky Day. This outreach event was designed to cater to high school students. It not only showcased the excitement of mathematics but also inspired young girls to pursue careers in mathematics by providing them with exposure to university resources and role models. The success of this event has inspired many participants and their parents to attend more departmental events focused on mentorship and mathematics.

In addition to her leadership within the AWM chapter, Gauree has also served as the treasurer of the Association for Graduate Women in STEM (AGWiS), where she played a crucial role in establishing funding channels and organizing events to promote networking and community building among graduate women in STEM fields. During her time with AGWiS, the organization was honored with the “New Organization of the Year” award.”

“Gauree has shown a consistent dedication to cultivating an inclusive environment for underrepresented individuals within our department. Her approach, characterized by calmness and inclusivity, has made her a trusted source of support for colleagues and peers, especially those belonging to marginalized groups.

As a woman in mathematics she has always supported her fellow colleagues wholeheartedly. To build an inclusive community amongst students, she has taken the initiative to start the student chapter of Association for Women in Mathematics. Due to her collaborative approach, all faculty members in our department have played a crucial role in supporting Gauree’s efforts to nurture the growth of the AWM.

Gauree’s adeptness at recognizing and capitalizing on opportunities is evident through her leadership in the AWM. She has cultivated a strong team of officers who are aligned with the mission of creating an inclusive environment. Gauree has actively promoted awareness of university resources among AWM members. Additionally, she has taken the initiative to organize events focused on diversity, equity, and inclusion, as well as networking opportunities, initiating constructive conversations about the challenges faced by students from underrepresented communities in our department.”