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Department of Mathematics
University of Mississippi

AWM Student Chapters - The University of Mississippi

Association for Women in Mathematics

The purpose of the Association for Women in Mathematics is to create a community in which women and girls can thrive in their mathematical endeavors, and to promote equitable opportunity and treatment of women and others of marginalized genders and gender identities across the mathematical sciences. You can find out more information about the national organization by visiting the AWM National Website.

The UM chapter is a new chapter, founded in 2023. We meet several times per semester for activities, presentations, and fellowship. Membership is open to both graduate and undergraduate students. There are no technical qualifications to join. All genders may join!

Join Us


QR code for AWM Website.





The AWM Student Chapter at the University of Mississippi won the Leadership and Engagement Awards for the “New Student Chapter of the Year” by The Gertrude C. Ford, Ole Miss Student Union, and the Center for Inclusion and Cross Cultural Engagement at the University of Mississippi. This award is given to the new student organization that has made exceptional contributions to its members and the University of Mississippi community in its first year of registration.


Officers and Advisors

Student Officers

Gauree Wathodkar – President

Sahifa Siddiqua – Vice president

Annette Shinn – Secretary

Chalani Pathirana – Treasurer

Sabbir Hossain – Head of Program Committee

Anuj Verma – Publicity committee officer

Khushi Patel – Publicity committee officer

Mira Patel – Publicity committee officer

Faculty Advisor

Dr. Ayla Gafni
Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Hume Hall 327


AWM Activities

AWM Activities

Date Event name Speaker Purpose Category
Oct 4, 2023

Oct 9, 2023


Graduate talk series Gauree Wathodkar, Sahifa siddiqua, Lei Zhong, Apoorva Mate, Zamzam Qazi Opportunity for graduate students to showcase their research Educational
Nov 2, 2023 AWM student chapter Inaugural reception   To introduce the AWM chapter in the University of Mississippi, share resources and spread awareness Networking
Nov 13, 2023 How to make Impactful connections at conferences Dr. Ayla Gafni Speaker told members about do’s and don’ts at the conference and how to make the most of it. Career
Nov 29,2023 End of semester dinner     Networking
Feb 23, 2024 Inclusive excellence and bystander intervention Ms. Sarah David Cusani

(Diversity education co-ordinator)

This workshop covered the basics of Diversity Equity and Inclusion, and strategies for bystander intervention, navigating difficult conversations, and how to be an active ally. DEI
March 6, 2024

March 7, 2024

Website building workshop Dr. Savannah Kelly

(Scholar Support and Data Services (SSDS) Department at the University Libraries

To help graduate students to build their personal websites using Quarto (R). Career
March 23, 2024 Sonia Kovalevsky Day Dr. Thai Hoang Le, Dr. Samuel Lisi, Gauree Wathodkar
(7 members presented interactive demos )
It was outreach event where graduate students and faculties got an opportunity to share fun math concepts with high school students through seminars and interactive demos Outreach
April 11, 2024 Graduate talk series Zamzam Qazi, Sahifa Siddiqa Opportunity for graduate students to showcase their research Educational
April 27, 2024 AMS-AWM research symposium Plenary Speaker: Dr. Sasa Kocic (5 contributed talks and 10 poster presentation) Research symposium for graduate and undergraduate students Educational
April 29, 2024 Career Compass: Navigating Academia’s Job Landscape Apoorva Mate, Mathias Muia, Joseph Lopez, more to confirm Successful students will guide all members about job market Career

Sonia Kovalevsky Days (SK Days)

Sonia Kovalevsky Days (SK Days)

One of the main purposes of our organization is to promote and encourage women to pursue careers in mathematics. The officers of AWM held a meeting to find a way to reach the middle-school and high-school students near the University of Mississippi to introduce them to higher level mathematics and put light on the diverse applications of mathematics in real life leading to various job opportunities. One of our officers suggested organizing a math exhibition presented by graduate students and some talks by those who use mathematics in their work. We then learned about the Sonia Kovalevsky Days (SK Days) which are organized by AWM members throughout the country in colleges and universities. SK Days also consists of workshops, talks, and problem-solving competitions for school students, which was very similar to what we were planning. So we decided to organize SK Days in our department.

We approached the graduate students and faculty at the University of Mississippi to give talks, workshops, or present a mathematical models explaining a mathematical concept/problem solving concept. We requested funding from the University to cover events, including the expenses of necessary materials required by presenters. Graduate students, post doctorates, and faculty volunteered in high numbers to present mathematical models. We also provided them with the necessary materials for preparation of exhibits with the help of approved funding. Posters of the event were distributed in all near-by schools to invite students and their parents.

Our first SK Days on Mar 23, 2024 was very responsive and inspiring for the attendees. Following the huge success of the SK Days, we are planning to organize it every year with more mathematical models and for a higher number of students.